What is thermography?
Thermography is a radiation-free, easy, safe, and non-invasive way to detect, evaluate, and monitor a large number of injuries and conditions. Thermography is said to “fill the gap in clinical diagnosis” by allowing us to look at the body’s physiology and metabolic processes. This is unlike traditional medical tests (such as X-rays, CTs, Ultrasounds, and MRIs) that look at the body’s structure. Thermography’s unique capabilities can offer significant financial savings by avoiding the need for more expensive investigations.
Thermography is also used as a tool for disease prevention. Many times, thermography can reveal problems before symptoms begin to arise. This allows for the earliest possible treatment, overall improving patient outcomes.
How does it work?
Thermography is a clinical imaging technique that records the thermal patterns of your body. A specialized DITI camera measures the infrared radiation emitted from the skin surface. Measurements are recorded and mapped to create a thermogram (thermal map of the body). Normally, the body’s temperature is symmetrical; however, various injuries and pathologies cause dilation of blood vessels, angiogenesis, and/or other sympathetic nervous system involvements. This results in temperature differences that can be mapped via thermography. Medical Doctors trained in thermography use precise temperature readings to detect or monitor different conditions in the body.
Who is thermography for?
Men and women that have completed puberty are eligible for thermography scans. Scanning before puberty is not generally recommended due to the vast physiological changes that are occurring in children’s bodies. Most individuals age 20+ have completed puberty and can accurately be scanned.
Why Try Thermography?
- Can offer considerable financial savings by avoiding the need for more expensive investigations
- Can objectively and graphically display the subjective feeling of pain
- Can show combined effect of the autonomic nervous system and the vascular system, down to capillary dysfunctions
- Shows excellent correlation with other diagnostic tests
- Can monitor the effectiveness of therapies
- Quickly get the root cause of your issues
- Presents opportunity for early intervention
Commonly detected conditions:
- Breast Issues
- Dental Issues
- Thyroid Dysfunction
- Chronic Immune Deficiency
- Pain & Inflammation
- Sinus Issues
- Pre-Diabetes
- Stroke Risk
- Deep vein Thrombosis
- Arthritis & Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Organ inflammation
- Nerve damage & dysfunctions
- Herniated Discs
- Trigger points
- TMJ dysfunction
- Tendonitis & Bursitis
- Nutritional Diseases
- Reynaud’s
- Fibromyalgia
- Sprains, strains, & tears
- …and so many more!