Acupuncture, massage, or chiropractic that may leave marks on the skin or local inflammation
Sauna or steam rooms that may lead to elevated body temperature
On the day of your scan, please AVOID:
Strenuous exercise
Shaving in the areas to be imaged (avoid irritation/cutting)
Using excessive lotions, powders, anti-perspirants, or very thick/heavy makeup in the areas that will be imaged (normal application of these items are acceptable)
Sun exposure (excessive) or tanning booths
Kidney dialysis
Skin brushing/Dry brushing
2 hours prior to your scan, please AVOID:
Very hot or very cold showers – normal showers are okay
Heated seats, electric blankets, or other heating/cooling devices that may alter body temperatures
What to Wear
Please try to avoid wearing very tight clothing that will leave marks on your skin.
If you have irritation marks from tight fitting clothing, we will have to wait until the marks have dissipated prior to starting your thermogram.
Jewelry will be removed for the scan – you may remove them in our office prior to imaging or (best) leave them at home
Please wear your hair pulled back or pinned up.
For a breast scan, no hair can be touching your shoulders
For half body or full body scans, all hair needs to be pulled out of the face and up off the neck.
We have headbands, clips, and hair ties in the office and can assist you if needed.
No changes to diet or medication are necessary prior to your thermogram
Please continue to take all necessary medications as prescribed by your physician
If you are able to avoid anti-inflammatory use prior to your scan this is preferred; however, if taken please make sure you let the thermographer know
If you have received a vaccine in the last 4 weeks, please relay this to your thermographer, including which arm the vaccine was received
You MUST wait 3 months after completing the following before having a thermogram:
You’ve had a major breast surgery (mastectomy, lumpectomy, breast implants, etc)
You are have or are currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation
You are pregnant
You are breastfeeding a child
You MUST wait 1 month after completing the following before having a thermogram: